Things you need to do in order to be a “real activist”

D.J. Manjares
4 min readDec 11, 2023


Yass, slay for the greater good

Annoying, destroying public property, has no respect for the country and its leaders — that’s the vivid image most (conservative) people of today think when they hear the word ‘activist’.

Activists of yesterday are deemed as ‘hardcore’, almost punk-like, with their groundbreaking methods of getting their messages across and the reason why many people today enjoy worker rights, human rights, and so much more.

But the activists of today are the worst: sitting in their air-conditioned spacious bedrooms, sharing bleeding hearts quotes, livestreaming their gameplays for ‘charity’ and dancing to the latest Indonesian mash-up tunes to protest the tragic war on Palestine by the Israeli government.

And then, maybe you’re really marching on the streets, holding your picket signs, voicing the perils of every poor Filipino or any nationality — corruption, incompetent leaders, injustice, police brutality; you name it all, and chances are, you have already done your part.

After a long day, you resume your normal life. Maybe some coffee to ease yourself up? Maybe visiting your local 50-cent bookstore to dig up some titles that piques your interest. Maybe you bought too many books to read? After all, there’s a book fair happening right now, and you wouldn’t want to miss it. Then you shared it on your social media platforms.

But no… Wait a tick. That’s not right. That’s a big no-no according to your writer friend. You shouldn’t shower yourself with earthly solace when there’s literally a fucking war happening right now tens of thousands miles away from your hometown.

What about your prolific writer friend who visited Europe this month? That’s a shame. You should donate your money instead of buying airplane tickets. Having fun with friends inside your favorite bar? You’re committing a crime against humanity. Laughing? How can you muster the courage to move your face muscles to smile when there’s people suffering somewhere?

If you want to be a real activist, follow these tips so you won’t feel any guilt when you bite into that tasty sandwich or drink mineral water anytime soon.

1. Live a minimalist life

You don’t need to live lavishly when there’s people suffering every day. Declutter, set up a garage sale, sell everything that reminds you of your old, performative life. Donate your earnings to a nearby soup kitchen. A tatami bed and a desk fan is enough for your new minimalist life.

2. Drink water, eat water

The audacity of you eating anything while people all over the world are starving to death. Eating meat and other delicious things are a sick sign of prosperity so you should eliminate that. Confectionaries, bread, and more are a sign of a hedonistic lifestyle, consider banning these foods inside your household. Vegetables and fruit are also a no-go. What about people living in very cold places or in the desert? It would be an insult to eat a juicy papaya any day of the week. So that boils down to just water. Fresh water may be abundant but it is limited. I’ll take it back. Drinking water is an insult to anyone who doesn’t have access to clean drinking water. Learn how to be full by practicing photosynthesis.

3. Having a house is an insult to the homeless

Are you out of your mind? Are you even a real activist? A real activist doesn’t have a shelter to live in. A real activist sleeps on a bench, under flyovers, and abandoned buildings. In order to feel the pain and horrors of being poor, displaced, and helpless — you should start sleeping on the streets, no ifs or buts. Or you’ll risk being labeled as a poser.

4. Sacrifice everything that makes you an individual

People in dire situations always think about survival. Your smartphone? Forget it. Utensils? It isn’t that essential. Clothing? A thing or two is enough. Feeling happiness? How dare you. In order to feel all the pain in the world, you need to devote yourself to those in need. Give everything. You don’t need that. You’re an instrument of justice. A beacon of hope. The absolute truth.

5. Finally you’re a real activist after achieving this

So you’ve finally achieved a true activist status. You have no earthly things, no basic food and clothing, no nothing. If you managed to get this far, you can now apply for beatification for consideration as a saint.

